
This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Epoxy Filler

2K epoxy filler for filling gaps and cracks in concrete, wood, polyester and epoxy laminates.Properly selected viscosity of the product ensures easy application.

  • Possibility of filling and shaping repaired surfaces
  • Easy to machine and paint
  • Impact resistant
  • Waterproof, weatherproof
Epoxy Filler

This information is based on the current state of knowledge of NALMAT Trzebinia and is provided to describe the product. They cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of its properties. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the suitability of the product for the specific application and to ensure a safe workplace and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

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